速報APP / 醫療 / MyDoctor eHouse Call

MyDoctor eHouse Call





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




MyDoctor eHouse Call(圖1)-速報App

"Bringing Healthcare Home". MyDoctor connects members to a Board Certified Doctor 24/7/365 to treat non-emergency medical illnesses. MyDoctor provides the convenience of secure video or phone consults on minor illnesses, and prescribe appropriate medications when needed.

Conditions that we commonly treat:


MyDoctor eHouse Call(圖2)-速報App

+Sinus Infections

+Urinary Tract Infections

+Ear Infection

MyDoctor eHouse Call(圖3)-速報App

+Cold and Flu


+Sore Throat

MyDoctor eHouse Call(圖4)-速報App

And Many More...

MyDoctor "Brings HealthCare Home" for patients with busy lives. You can utilize MyDoctor to prevent unnecessary trips to the ER or urgent care centers for minor non-emergency illnesses. Or when your Primary Care Doctor is not available to see you or your family.

Created by a Board Certified Family Physician who knows the needs of care at the convenience of the patient and their families. No more long waits for appointments or expensive Urgent Care and ER visits for minor illnesses.

MyDoctor eHouse Call(圖5)-速報App